Your partners in wayfinding & estate signage placemaking



Community wayfinding & estate signs

From comprehensive corporate estate signage and exterior wayfinding packages to revamps of existing signs and pylons - Scaffad is your partner in placemaking, ensuring your signage solutions move people seamlessly to their destination.



Signage that creates a stunning first impression

From the moment they reach your estate, we want people’s first impression to be impeccable through custom estate entrance signs and directional signage that reflect your brand and stand the test of time.

With illuminated or non-illuminated options available, our Scaffad team can guide you through complete estate signage packages or existing sign and pylon revamp projects to suit your budget, timing, and application.

Guide people seamlessly with customer-mapped wayfinding signage

As part of holistic placemaking, it’s imperative that customer wayfinding is direct and informative, guiding people in a simple yet effective manner. Our Scaffad Wayfinding Signage team has more than a decade of experience mapping customer journeys to create bespoke wayfinding solutions.

We study your space in context with your brand and the environment to create a well-designed wayfinding system that works in harmony. Communication, size, legibility, location, clarity, and consistency are just some facets we consider, ensuring your wayfinding enhances your reputation.